Sunday, October 26, 2008

From Poles to Pews

When we moved to Atlanta we knew that we would have to spend some time searching for a new church. We visited many places and were welcomed with open arms at all of them. None of them felt quite right. Then we stumbled on CCB. At first we thought that it would just be a good replacement for the home church we had left. It only took us a few weeks to realize we were wrong. Though our two churches have their differneces, both are just as special to us. We have made wonderful friends that have become our family. Tonight was just one of the things that makes our church so special. Every few months they have a volunteer dinner, just to say thank you to all the volunteers. Our church actually opened its doors at a strip joint. They took over a famous strip club in Atlanta (we've since stopped meeting there) and the pastor that started our church came back tonight to speak at the dinner. He talked about how we made the news all over the place with the heaadline: "From Poles to Pews". We love our church!And this is the back of Jen and Ian...they're so cute.


Anonymous said...

It was really nice for the "old timers" to get to share some of the early DNA of our church with everyone tonight. Dan and the Gold Club were what our church was built on. It's been great to see how our church has grown and changed.

Kyle Means said...

Boo. I missed it. :(